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Caro On Keto: My Top 10 Reasons for Sticking With Keto

      Eating an increased amount of fat, low carbs, and no sugar, are all true characteristics of keto. Why would anyone want to give up desserts and bread? How would one ever survive without tacos, cake, rice, and pizza!? On my journey I have discovered that the benefits this lifestyle has created for me are far more important than the limitations it entails. Here are the top reasons I stick to keto.

1. Keto reduces the risk of certain diseases.

           My sole reason for beginning my keto journey was to help avoid the possible diseases embedded in my genes. Some of these include diabetes, high blood pressure, and cholesterol. Yes, cholesterol. The healthy fats only guideline of the keto diet helps reduce this risk. Diets high in carbs and sugar increase and worsen the risks of diabetes and high blood pressure. Although red meats also may contribute to these diseases, there are many options on the keto diet like organic and grass-fed. Options are endless and you can tailor the diet to your needs. Have you heard of vegetarian keto? Vegan Keto? Oh, yeah! There is such a thing. Keto also helps reduce the growth of cancer cells. Cancer cells feed off of sugar. Sugar is in almost everything you eat. Next, time you go shopping check the labels on your top 3 foods and see how much carbs and sugar you are consuming. Little things like reading labels helps you be more aware of what you are putting in your body. Keto has the power to reduce the effects of these diseases if you already have them. A documentary of the positive effects of keto on certain diseases and conditions I recommend is The Magic Pill, on Netflix.

2. You burn fat as fuel.

            Losing weight is a major benefit of the ketogenic diet. However, what is most impressive is your body changes from carb burning to a fat burning machine. A body not following a ketogenic diet converts carbs into sugar and sugar into fuel. The excessive amounts of sugar in our body that do not become fuel then gets converted to fat. Thus, the result of weight gain. In a ketogenic body, without the presence of sugars and carbs, the body automatically uses the most abundant resource to burn, fat. When you your body is at a lower percent of body fat, this helps keep many diseases away, especially when you are consuming various green veggies, healthy fats, and good quality protein.  I personally do not consume a high amount of fat, because I already have a nice fuel reserve that I want to burn off. Once your body is in ketosis, you can reduce your fat intake so that your body burns your body fat after it uses the fat you are consuming. Since once in ketosis your body is a fat burning machine, it will start using the fat in reserve. Let this digest. I know it sounds too good to be true, but I have proven it personally. 

3. Your taste buds become sensitive to sugar.

            Since in a keto diet you do not consume sugar, you body's taste buds and sensors adjust to your new flavors therefore creating a sensitivity to sweetness. This does not mean that you are depriving yourself of indulging in sweets. This just mean your sweets do not have sugar. Stevia is a natural sweetener from the stevia plant that is a great sugar substitute. The key to keto friendly sweeteners is low glycemic index and that it has no affect on the blood glucose levels. There are many different brands and stevia combinations out there. Its just about trying them and establishing which one works best for you.

4. It reduces cravings. 

           When I was on a regular diet eating anything and everything I wanted the only result I had was an immense craving for more. I wanted more bread, pasta, and especially desserts. Sugar is as addictive as a drug. The problem is that since it is deemed cleared for human consumption, we overlook the negative effects. The short-term effects of sugar consumption is immediate cravings for more. The long-term effects of sugar include the development and acceleration of diseases such as diabetes. For years I craved sugar and binged on sugar filled treats. I was slowing destroying myself by letting my eating impulses control me. When I learned to have a healthier relationship with food, control my portion sizes, and most importantly learned what to eat, I was happier. Keto works for me because it keeps my addiction away. Like with any addictions, you need to keep away from them. Sugar is my drug and I am in rehabilitation. I am doing well and have found wonderful ways to deal with cravings and binge eating. 

5. Increased energy boost.

          With the shift of fuel source from carbs and sugar to fat, there is much more energy for you to burn. In a keto diet, the majority of the fats being consumed are natural occurring fats, not processed. This means the body needs to process it less. If you have extra body fat like me, your body has already processed it and therefore it is clean. When you eat carbs and sugar the body needs to break it down and separates the toxins from the parts that are useful for the body.

6. Keto foods provide satiation for longer periods of time.

          If you have not noticed the pattern here, healthy fats are highly responsible for all the amazing benefits of the ketogenic diet. As you know, fat is stubborn. This makes it easier to feel satiated because it stays around in your system longer. On the ketogenic diet you can go hours without feeling to need to eat. Have you heard of those who do intermittent fasting? Well on the keto diet it is easier to fast because you eat 4 hours before bed, go to bed and fast all those hours you are sleeping, and before you know it you have fasted for at least 12 hours. There are so many benefits to fasting, like burning additional fat and helping tighten skin. With the ketogenic diet you can incorporate this into your life and not feel like its a burden. A body that runs solely on healthy fats has many benefits.

7. Keto meals are easy to adjust.

           So your friends invite you out to lunch and you want to stay on track. What do you do? Easy! Order protein and veggies. Add cheese and stick to sparkling water with lemon. I discovered this to be my go to while out and about. Do not let your healthy lifestyle change get in the way of enjoying time with your favorite people. Adjust your meals to fit your guidelines, keto or low fat. On keto, stick to greens, healthy fats like avocado, cheese, and protein. Simple and these guidelines build delicious meals. Give this a try next time you are out.

8. Specific guidelines leave no room for error.

            I love guidelines. I like things laid out for me. Sticking to something is easier for me when I have clear expectations of what I can and cannot eat. High carbs? No! Sugar? No! This is very clear to me. Now this does not mean any carbs or no sweeteners. This means your carbs should come from low carb sources, like green vegetables and high fiber fruits. On keto berries are best. Some of the vegetable options I enjoy weekly are zucchini, brussel sprouts, and lettuce. These are low carb, health and satisfy my flavor palettes. I stick to 20 net carbs a day. That is why reading my labels is essential. This may seem difficult, but it keeps me in check. If I want to lose weight and avoid diseases I need to be in ketosis. If I want to remain in ketosis I need to meet my carb intake. Its like managing a bank account. If you have a budget you stick to it. My carb budget is 20 net carbs a day. 

9. Improved skin, hair, and nails because of healthy fats.

             When you lose weight quickly, as is true on a keto diet you will lose your hair. I lost hair. A lot of hair. However, when I incorporated collagen in my morning coffee I saw a decrease in the amount of hair I was losing. I also added a multivitamin. All of this plus shampoos and conditioners with collagen and biotin helped to get my hair to grow and strengthen quickly. My nails grow more and my skin glows. I had always suffered from acne. However, while on keto it pretty much cleared up.  A cleaner diet will work wonders on your body. The key to keto is keep it simple.

10. Elevated levels of self-esteem from positive progress.

             The feeling of finally being successful at losing weight is priceless. Loving what I see in the mirror, noticing my jeans are looser, and getting compliments from family and friends is the BEST! Weight loss is difficult. After all my failed attempts I am finally happy that I have found a diet that suits my personal needs, makes me feel great about myself, and doesn't break the bank! It took me years to understand and live by this but, your body is your temple. Take care of yourself. 


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