So if I am leading a keto diet, then what do my children eat? Recently, I noticed my older son had gained some weight. I discovered his clothes were not fitting and we were buying clothes more often. I see him everyday, so I did not really realize how much weight he had gained. He is seven years old and should weigh around 70lbs. However, he was 100lbs!
This was a wake up call. We had changed our diet, but left the kid's diet the same, high carb. Sure we had stopping buying food that had lots of sugar, but there is hidden sugar in mostly everything! The boys still had cereal, bread, milk, juice, and high carb snacks. When I noticed this I knew I had to adjust their diet, too.
I did not want to deprive my kids, but I also wanted them to be healthy and make better food choices. After my husband and I were on the same page, I brainstormed what I would feed them. I made substitutions for their foods.
Here are somethings I substituted:
Milk - almond and coconut milk
yogurt - sugar free jello
bread - low carb wraps
snacks - fruit, smoothies, celery
Juice - water, sugar free gatorade, seltzer water
cereal - low carb waffles & sugar free syrup
In three weeks, my 7 year old lost 10lbs! He never complained about his new diet. What I found effective was letting him know that changing some eating habits would make him stronger, healthier and have more energy. Both my boys ate this way. They were already having a veggie and protein for dinner, so I just had to alter their snacking, lunch and breakfast.
Portion control is also a major thing that has helped with controlling their appetites and being more aware of what they are eating. My older son has learned to read labels and check for net carbs. He also knows how to substitute for when he is out. The also do not eat anything before letting me know, for portion control.
Our new way of feeding the boys does not mean they will not be allowed to enjoy or indulge once in a while, it just means that the majority of the time they will be eating healthier. This may not be for everyone because it requires planning and really paying attention to everything your children eat, but this works for us. I am relieved and happy to know that they are learning how to make better choices and will have a better opportunity to have a good relationship with food, different from mine. After all we just want what is best for our boys!
If you are interested in following their low carb journey, I will be making a weekly post on their school lunches! Subscribe to stay tuned!
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